Are you new to the AWA? All AWA activities are suitable for newcomers, and you will be welcomed at them all. We have a few things that we particularly advise for newcomers:
Join THE AWA CHAT on WhatsApp. This is a great way to ask questions of your fellow members, get information, arrange meet ups, lunches, drinks etc. More information can be found here.
Add the AWA phone number to your contacts, to ensure you get our broadcast message via WhatsApp each week: 9469-3341
Other ways to keep up with whats happening - Join the AWA Facebook Members Community here and follow us on Instagram here to stay in the loop on new activities and events
Attend a Coffee & Friends meeting. The last Friday of the month is specifically intended as a welcome session for newcomers. You don't need to register, you can just show up when it suits you - More information can be found here.
Join the Walking Group and try a Wednesday walk - this is a good intro to Singapore's hot and humid climate. More information can be found here.